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Statutory Information
The tables below will assist with finding Key Information on our website.
School Contact Details | Where this information can be found on the website |
School name | |
Postal address | |
Telephone number | |
Name of person who deals with queries from parents and the public | Contact us on the office e-mail or via the Contact page here |
Name of the Headteacher | Mr Stephen Whittle |
Name and contact details of the chair of the governing board | Sir Robin Bosher |
Name and details of the Special Educational Needs | Mr James Chinery |
School opening and closing times, including:
| This information can be found here |
Trust Information | Where this information can be found on the website |
The school’s owner is a group or organisation: Address and telephone number of its office | Impact Multi Academy Trust |
The following details for the trust:
| All on the Impact Multi Academy Trust page here |
Additional School Information | Where this information can be found on the website |
Statement of values and ethos | This can be found here on the Vision, Ethos and Values page |
The most recent Ofsted report | This report can be viewed here or on the Ofsted website here |
The link to the school and college performance measures website and our school’s performance measures page | The link to the school and college performance measures website is here Our data performance page can be accessed here |
A modern slavery act statement | This document is available here on the Trust website. |
Details of the amount of time off taken by staff who are union officials to carry out their union duties | Staff have not needed to take any time off to carry out union duties. Should this change it will be updated on this page |
Equality Information | Where this information can be found on the website |
Equality objectives | Our Equalities Objectives can be found here |
Details of how we comply with the public sector equality duty | This information can be found here |
Gender pay gap information | This document can be found on the Trust website here. |
Policies | Where this information can be found on the website |
Behaviour policy, including anti-bullying strategy | The policy can be found here |
Charging and Remissions policy | This policy is a Trust policy and can be found here in the Finance policies section of the Trust website |
Complaints policy (including any arrangements for handling complaints from parents of children with special educational needs (SEN) about the support provided by the school) | The Trust policy and can be found here in the Governance & Complaints policies section of the Trust website The School Complaints policy can be found here |
Whistle-blowing policy | This policy is a Trust policy and can be found here in the HR policies section of the Trust website |
Relationships and sex education (RSE) policy | The policy can be found here |
Uniform Information | Information can be found here on the Uniform page |
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Information Report | Where this information can be found on the website |
The SEN information specified in Schedule 1 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 | The latest report can be found here in the 'Other Documentation' section at the bottom of the page |
Information as to:
| This information is within the SEN Information report as follows:
The accessibility plan | The plan can be found here |
Arrangements for handling complaints from parents of pupils with SEN | Information can be found in our Complaints and SEND Policies here |
Curriculum | Where this information can be found on the website |
For each academic year, the content of the curriculum for each subject | Curriculum Information can be found here with more detailed information on individual subjects here |
Information to make parents and carers aware they have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE | Parents/carers who wish to withdraw their child from Religious Education should put their request in writing to the Headteacher. |
The school’s approach to the curriculum | The approach to the curriculum is here |
Details of how someone can find out more about our curriculum | For further details on the curriculum please contact the appropriate Head of Faculty, details here |
Details of our remote learning provision | This information is available here |
Information about our Music development plan | This information is available on the curriculum page here |
Key Stage 4 (KS4): a list of courses available to pupils, including GCSEs | GCSE course information is available from here |
Post-16: the 16 to 19 qualifications offered and how you meet the 16 to 19 study programme requirements | Post 16 course information is available here |
Admissions | Where this information can be found on the website |
The school’s admission arrangements (published for the whole of the school year in which offers for places are made) | Admissions arrangements information including policies can be found on the admissions page here |
Appeals timetable (published by 28 February each year) | The Appeals timetable will be published here when required. |
Oversubscription criteria (including the order in which they will be applied) | This information can be found in the admissions policy here |
How we deal with in-year applications from 1 September to the following 31 August (publish by 31 August) | In year Admissions arrangements information can be found on the admissions page here |
During any consultation on changes to admission arrangements (where applicable):
| There are currently no admissions consultations in progress As and when there are, this information will be available in the Key Information section of the Trust website here under ‘Consultations’ |
Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium Strategy Statement | Where this information can be found on the website |
Pupil premium strategy statement by 31 December each school year | All this information can be found here |
The impact of the previous year’s expenditure | |
Amount of pupil premium allocation for the current year | |
A summary of the main barriers to achievement faced by eligible pupils at the school | |
How the grant addresses those barriers and the reasoning for that approach | |
How the impact will be measured | |
The date of the next review of the pupil premium strategy |
Careers Programme information (Years 7-13 Only) | Where this information can be found on the website |
The name, email address and telephone number of the careers leader | Contact details for the Careers Lead can be found here |
A summary of the careers programme, including details of how pupils, parents, teachers and employers may access information about the careers programme | All this information can be found here on the Careers Page |
Details of how the school measures and assesses the impact of the careers programme on pupils | |
The date of the next review of the information published | |
Baker Clause policy statement |
KS4 Performance Data | Where this information can be found on the website |
Progress 8 score | All this information can be found here and on the DFE page here |
Attainment 8 score | |
% of pupils achieving a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and maths | |
% of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) | |
% of pupils staying in education or employment after KS4 |
KS5 Performance Data | Where this information can be found on the website |
The following performance measures from the school’s 16 to 18 performance measures page:
| Attainment and Retention information can be found here Destinations information is available here |
Governance and Financial Information | Where this information can be found on the website |
The structure and remit of the members, board of trustees, its committees and local governing bodies (the trust’s scheme of delegation), and the full names of the chair of each | Trustees information is all published on the Trust website here The Scheme of Delegation is available on the Trust website in the Governance Information section here |
Current memorandum of association | Is available on the Trust website in the Governance Information section here |
Articles of association | Is available on the Trust website in the Governance Information section here |
Funding agreement | Is available on the Trust website in the Financial Information section here |
The names of trust members and academy trustees | Is available on the Trust website in the Governance Information section here |
Register of business and financial interests for members, trustees, local governors and the accounting officer, including a nil return where appropriate. The register must include their:
| Is available on the Trust website in the Governance Information section here |
Attendance record at governing board and committee meetings (for trustees) and local governing body meetings (for local governors) over the last academic year | Is available on the Trust website in the Governance Information section here |
Annual audited accounts (at least 2 years' worth of accounts should remain on the Trust website) | Is available on the Trust website in the Financial Information section here |
Annual report | Is available on the Trust website in the Financial Information section here |
Register of interests for the accounting officer | This is available on the Trustees Page on the Trust website here |
Notice to improve (previously financial notice to improve) (if issued with one from the ESFA) | N/A |
The amount paid by the trust for someone’s work who has an off-payroll arrangement, where the payment exceeds £100,000 | The Trust has no off-payroll arrangements that exceed £100,000. |
Number of employees (and payees with off-payroll arrangements) whose gross annual salary and benefits exceed £100k, in £10k bandings, for the previous year that ended on 31 August | Is available on the Trust website in the Financial Information section here |
Details for local Governors, Trustees and Members | Where this information can be found on the website |
Full name Term of office Date of appointment Date they stepped down (where applicable) Who appointed them Register of business and pecuniary interests, including governance roles in other educational institutions Attendance record at governing board or local governing body, and committee or sub-committee meetings over the last academic year | Trustee & Member information is on the Trust website here Information on the School’s Governing Body is available here |