We are a school with high expectations and this is reflected in our uniform policy. Families tell us that our expectations and reputation are something they value about the school. Students are ambassadors for our school community.
We ask that families support us by exercising careful judgement in matters of uniform and that you check any potential purchases which might prove to be controversial with us before you make them.
Correct uniform is to be worn at all times, including the journey to and from school.
This poster is shared with all students and displayed in form rooms. Please see below for further details and examples.
Uniform for Years 7 - 11
Navy check knife-pleat skirt*No shorter than knee-length, no longer than mid-calf |
Regulation school navy trousers*With school crest |
Badged and piped school blazer*This is worn during the day by Years 7, 8 and 9. |
Regulation school blouseRegulation school blouse, white cotton open neck with lapels, either long or short sleeved. |
Navy V-necked jumper with trim*If a blazer is worn the jumper is optional |
LPGS cardigan with trim*For Year 10 and 11 students only |
JacketsPlain navy or black outdoor fabric coat or jacket Logos, hoodies, denim, leather, suede PVC and “fur” coats/jackets are not allowed. If you are unsure of suitability, please contact school before purchasing. They can be worn during transition times but will be removed in classrooms. |
Plain navy tights, navy knee-length or navy short socksWithout bows. |
Totally plain black school shoes without heelsThey should be ‘polish-able’ and please note that ankle boots, leather style trainers and black trainers are not part of the school uniform. No obvious brand names or logos are permitted. However, Kickers shoes with ankle support are allowed due to the sturdy nature and support. |
Plain navy, black or grey scarvesWhether worn for religious reasons or in the colder months. |
* Available only from the school’s suppliers |
School Bag
All students in Years 7 - 11 are required to use a durable rucksack of any colour. This is to provide good back health and reduce corridor congestion.
There will be no 'school issue' rucksack but we ask that it is practical, sturdy and a non-designer brand.
Jewellery and Make-up/Hair
In line with our uniform policy:
Lip balm
Simple watch (not smart)
1 small stud per ear
Nails are natural colour and finger-tip length
Not in line with our uniform policy:
Make-up including fake tan
Other jewellery
False or long nails
Multiple earrings in one ear
Facial piercings
Water Bottle
We strongly discourage the use of disposable plastic. There are water fountains located at various points around the school site and we encourage the use of reusable water bottles.
Students will be reminded of expectations at the gate on arrival and twice during form time.
If needed, they will be provided with the support and equipment to enable them to meet the expectations (eg. access to nail files, nail clippers, make-up remover wipes, spare uniform items).
We address non-compliance with our uniform expectations as part of our school behaviour policy and procedures.
Uniform Suppliers
The school’s suppliers are Bromley Schoolwear in Bromley, 121 Uniforms online and Grahame Gardner Ltd (PE kit).
They will be happy to deal with any queries. They have asked us to strongly advise you to make contact, as quickly as possible if you feel your child may require a non-standard size item of uniform.
Bromley Schoolwear, Bromley - 020 8460 0032
121uniforms (Ollequip Trading)
For any enquiries/orders please contact via email sales@121uniforms.co.uk.
Our next pre-loved uniform sale will take place during the summer term.
Donations of pre-loved uniform can be left with Reception between 8am and 4pm during term time. Thank you in advance for any donations.